In few words, this is a top-rated service for connection of writers and students. There are no intermediaries here, and the prices are the lowest in the market. Obviously, that makes it the best one today.
Table of Contents
What is Studybay?
This service is one of the most modern and most popular among students online. Thanks to its high functionality, the company continues to help thousands of students from around the world. The main feature of the firm is that you do not have to pay intermediaries for the performance of a particular work. This method is very convenient when a student can directly contact different writers and choose the best among them.
In fact, while studying in an educational institution, many students have faced the problem that the learning process is very complicated. It is not always time to properly pay attention to each subject. In order to make life easier for students, the service helps clients immediately after receiving a particular assignment at a college or university, quickly place an application on the web site and get an offer from different writers about the cost and deadlines.

As with all new services, this exchange also has a number of its advantages and disadvantages. At the moment, this option of performing tasks online for money is the most optimal and fast. Moreover, customer confidence in this company confirms its high reputation among other companies on the market.
The advantages of working with this company
This service looks really handy both for authors and writer. Moreover, it has some real benefits, like:
- Order fulfillment speed;
- Lack of intermediaries;
- Communication with the author directly online;
- Opportunity to choose one or another author;
- The ability to select the cost of doing your thesis;
- Making the payment only after you analyze the finished work and agree that it is done correctly;
- You can make inquiries after the paper is finished;
- Full technical customer support;
- Ability to perform tasks on any subject and any complexity;
- The most optimal price level.
Disadvantages of the service:
- There is too much choice of authors, and accordingly, you have to spend a considerable amount of time to select a specific author suitable for your task;
- It is necessary to provide top detailed information about your work;
- Once you have entered the data and the author has begun to work, you will not be able to add additional conditions;
- A significant risk when choosing an author, since this process will have to be given very close attention so that later you will not waste your time with a poor-quality author.
These shortcomings are not surprising since the fulfillment of tasks for money online is always carried out with certain risks. Nevertheless, it should be understood that if you take the author’s choice seriously and thoughtfully and specify in detail all the necessary parameters for writing your assignment, then the risks of getting an article that doesn’t meet your expectations are really low.
How exactly does studybay work?
This company operates in the global market, and that is why it has carefully ensured that the ordering process was straightforward and fast. By itself, the ordering process is most comfortable to present in certain stages after which your work will be completed.

Provide all needed information
For your work to be done as quickly and efficiently as possible, and then you don’t have to deal with the fact that something is missing in it, it is necessary to provide all the required information as precisely as possible. In this section, you will also need to specify all materials that you have that need to be included in the work. Carefully consider this stage as if you make a mistake and incorrectly set the task or you forget to provide any essential materials, the result of the work may be precisely the opposite of what you expected.
The paper goes to auction
After you have adequately described your work and enclosed all the necessary materials, your application is sent to the so-called auction. At this stage, absolutely all writers see your assignments and make your specific proposals on price and deadlines. Received applications, you can rank by price to more quickly and conveniently select the artist that suits you.
Check authors and choose one
When they sent you suggestions, you can choose one of them. At this stage, it is better to focus on the choice of a specific specialist. To do this, the most correct would be to read all the reviews about the author of his/her pros and cons, as well as the disadvantages that other clients had Be careful as the choice is entirely yours.
After you decide which one of the authors suit you best, you will need to wait for confirmation from the author himself that he will be able to complete the work according to the deadlines you specified. This confirmation will come to you by email, and you will understand that the author is ready to begin implementation.

Proceed with payment
As soon as the author has confirmed his consent to the execution of your work, you will need to make a payment to your account. The money will not be debited immediately will remain on your account until you accept the work and confirm that the author has completed all your requirements. If the work is not done at the proper level, or the author does not have time with the deadlines, then we guarantee you a refund. Also, on our website, you can find various payment methods. Choose the most comfortable for you.
Track the process and chat with the writer
As already mentioned, one of the main advantages of working with this exchange is that in the process of writing the work, you will be able to communicate with your author directly. If you have any questions or requirements, you can voice them. Moreover, the author will provide draft versions of various sections of your work and coordinate with you the correctness of writing.

Get 20 day of warranty option
After your work is ready, you will need to review it and make sure that it is written according to all your requirements. To do this, you are allocated 20 days during which you can familiarize yourself with the work, analyze its uniqueness, and also make edits and changes if any. If you agree that the work is done correctly, the money will be deducted from your account.

Write a review about the author and results
Take care to leave a review of your author. It is not really complicated to proceed with studybay how to write a review procedure. Thus, you will help other students to fully appreciate the work of an author and save time on the choice of a writer. It is imperative to understand that if you get a poor-quality author, it is very vital that other people see it at studybay reviews.
Let’s see where is studybay located
Since this assignment exchange is an online service, it does not have a specific link to a particular country or place. A similar approach was chosen so that authors and customers from all over the world could connect with each other without reference to their place of residence. Thus, the company provides the most convenient service and speed of execution of orders.
Options with studybay jobs for writers
If you are interested in obtaining the position of a writer on the service, you will first need to go through the registration procedure.
As part of filling out information on your profile, you will need to indicate your level of education and all professional skills. After you fill out all the information, your request will be sent for review. As soon as your application is approved, you will get access to the database of orders and be able to start work.
Is Studybay legal in US?
This company is legal in the US. It has a license on the website, and everything seems clear with it.
How are companies like studybay legal
By and large, similar services for writing assignments for money are used by students from around the world. Moreover, each of these services is a specific web site on which a student needs to read the terms of cooperation with this company and the terms of order fulfillment and also know the cost of payment before paying for services.
So, the activity of such sites often represents the relationship between the customer and the contractor for whom the web site is a platform where such communication is possible. Moreover, there are so-called parameters by which it can be concluded that such services are absolutely legal.
All terms of cooperation are listed on the company’s website
In fact, before the client agrees to cooperate, the service provides all the necessary information on the rules of work, as well as the deadline for the execution of orders. Moreover, such sites position themselves as sources where the student can find the necessary information to perform a particular task or to prepare for the exam. Furthermore, from an ethical point of view, websites do not violate any rules and do not provide students with plagiarism of any ready-made materials. The activity of these services does not represent any illegal activity and is absolutely legal.
It actually helps students
Also, the site is not a direct ordering agent. In essence, this resource is a platform where the customer can contact the contractor and discuss the conditions for providing him with any information that the student can use at his discretion. You should also understand that each of the customers has its own reasons for using these services. For some, studying is too complicated, and someone simply doesn’t have enough time for any study assignments because a student can earn extra money to pay for his studies.
Moreover, if we consider such a service from a moral point of view, despite the fact that the web site essentially helps in training to get higher marks, students, in any case, have to pass the remaining subjects and also receive training. This absolutely does not mean that the client uses this service in absolutely all topics, and this somehow reduces the level of his knowledge.
How is studybay legal?
Since the company is top-rated, many users wonder how legit is it? This issue should be considered more carefully. To clearly understand how legit is studybay, you can refer to the information listed on the company’s website.
How legit is studybay
According to the documents listed on the service website, the management company is EDUTEC LIMITED, which is registered in Malta. According to the information indicated on the company’s website, they have been working in the market for more than a year and quite successfully. In short, how is studybay is legit? The answer is – yes, it is.
Information that the company is illegal simply does not exist because they have all the necessary documents and a license to operate. Moreover, the operation of such services in the United States is not something illegal. Of course, the company has its pros and cons, but the answer to the question “is studybay legit” is very obvious – this company is absolutely legal in the USA
Studybay scam?
In a nutshell, it’s not. This service has been operating for years and for a long time of its activity, it has proven that it is in no way fraudulent.
Of course, the company has its problems, such as refunds. After all, most often, it does not go as smoothly as it should be. The procedure for refund is often a challenging task. Usually, the delay in the return of money appears due to the fact that the company needs to properly understand the situation that arose between the customer and the performer. And also to check whether the executor really violated some obligations to the customer. As soon as this information is clarified, the company will be able to return the money.
Therefore, over the years, the reputation of the company remains at a high level. Fraudulent sites never exist for such a long time and also do not invest significant sums in the development of both the service itself and the appearance of the website. In other words, if these services were nothing but a scam, it would not exist for such a long time, and most of its services would simply be absent.
If you read reviews from real customers, it seems that the website has its drawbacks and its advantages, however, the site fulfills its obligations almost to the full.
Service quality on Studybay
This is a basic thing for any student, namely how exactly one should analyze the writing service and decide whether it is reliable or not.
How reliable is studybay?
If we analyze the company’s activity according to their central policy, then two main aspects should be noted. Firstly, the provision uniqueness of absolutely all texts that should always be like 100%. Secondly, in case of any problems, the refund will be made in full. The firm always guarantees a refund to its customers in case the executor does not fulfill his obligations. The main reasons for the refund include:
- Disruption of deadlines;
- Grammar and spelling errors;
- Double spaces;
- Unfinished work;
- A low percentage of uniqueness, and so on.
If such situations arise, the company undertakes to return the money to the client as soon as possible.
Unless you analyze all the reviews from people who have used this service, there are no problems with the return of money. There are some cases of delay, but most often this is because the company need to understand first of all the situation that has arisen.
One of the principles of the company is that you can carry all the references, and the authors should execute them until the work is downloaded. Nevertheless, if you have already uploaded the work, then it is tough to oblige the author to make any changes. For this reason, sometimes the client is in a situation where the work is, in fact, not finished, and the money has already been withdrawn. Therefore, the company strongly advises its customers to carefully state all the requirements for the work before the author proceeds to it and also to track the process of writing the work and make changes to the project.
Some of the clients also had situations when the uniqueness of the work was very low. In this case, the company often acts on the client’s side and obliges the executors to either redo the work or return the money to the client.
The next aspect is customer support. By itself, support works quite well though it would not hurt the company to make a multi-channel telephone line so that customers can always get through and face competent advice.
Nevertheless, the primary communication is carried out between the client and the customer, so the company fulfills its conditions for technical customer support quite well.
How to open a website like studybay
One of the features of this company is that it has several so-called mirror sites, which in turn, when clicked, make the transition to the leading site. Today, the company has more than 20 sites on the Internet that are a mirror of the leading site.
Though, this is not surprising or fraudulent as you might think. The fact is that mirror sites make to secure their leading site in case of any server failures or under increased load to evenly distribute this load. So, mirrors are placed on different hosting sites, and if the main site fails, the visitor will be redirected to the mirror site automatically.
To begin to clarify – what is the mirror of the site? Search engines index sites and if they find copies of other resources, either entirely or partially identical, then such sites are recognized as mirrors. It can also be known as mirror sites, from the pages of which there is a server redirection to the corresponding pages on another website.
In general, mirrors are not indexed very well, but in this way, the company is trying to protect itself. To open that website, simply follow the link that a search engine like Google will give you, and then regardless of which of the sites you visit, you will be transferred to their home page.
Today only top reliable companies provide its customers with guarantees. It is imperative to view that info before registering.
How long does accreditation take on studybay
Usually, this process does not take a long time, and it all depends on the specific situation that occurred. In general, management considers such requests from several hours to several days. As soon as your application is reviewed, you will be notified by email.
Is it safe enough?
It is safe! And this is applied both for writers and for clients.
Money back policy
In case if a client decides to withdraw the funded money, then he/she can simply visit the Balance page, and then Withdraw section and click to withdraw the money.
Plagiarism free policy
It is also worth noting that one of the main advantages that immediately catches the eye is the so-called 20 days’ warranty period after the order has been completed. This period of time is provided to the client in order to thoroughly analyze the work, and if there are any shortcomings in it or low uniqueness, the performer undertakes to make edits during this period.
Until the end of these 20 days, the money from the client will not be withdrawn, and thus, the client can independently verify the uniqueness of the work as well as in the absence of any shortcomings. This practice very successfully helps students make edits and obliges performers to perform them absolutely free of charge. In any case, you can make a withdrawal in case if work doesn’t match your unique requirements stated before.
It is also worth noting that the company applies the client data privacy policy in other words after you place an order, all data about you will be strictly closed. Most often, such information includes the following:
- Customer account data
- Customer data
- Name of work and deadlines
- Cost of work
Prices on Studybay
As stated above the prices could be different, though they are really the lowest and more over a client receives hundreds of bids and can choose the best one.
How the order price is formed
In order to accurately calculate the value of your work, there is an online calculator on the website of the service. Here you can roughly estimate how much your work will cost and find out how much the same work would cost in other companies.
In general, to understand how the price of your work is formed, first of all, you need to analyze which elements of your work are essential. The following parameters influence the formation of the price itself:
- The subject for which your work is written;
- The number of pages or characters required to write;
- Deadlines for your work;
- Additional formatting specifications;
- Type of your work.
After taking into account all these parameters, the price for a specific task is formed. By and large, the amount that the online calculator shows on the web site seems low enough. This advantage of the firm is undeniable compared to other websites that offer prices about several times more expensive.

You should also understand that in many respects, the price depends on the type of work that you need to do. This company cooperates with thousands of writers around the world and each of them, to one degree or another, is an expert in a particular subject or type of work. Among the main work options that can be ordered on this service, the following should be noted:
- Assignment writing;
- Dissertations;
- Essays;
- Coursework;
- Dissertation;
- Articles;
- College Essays.
How to use studybay?
This firm is an online platform for placing orders and their further implementation. Thus this service is actively used by both customers and performers who are located around the world. In other words, the question should be considered both for the customer and for the writer.
How to use studybay as a writer
To become a writer in this company and perform tasks, you will first need to go through the registration procedure. The procedure itself is effortless, and after you fill in all the necessary data and indicate your education, your application will be reviewed for a short period of time by the management of the company. Once your application is approved and your profile meets all requirements, you will be able to access a broad customer base and take orders from all over the world.
After that, the process looks like this:

Find a task
As soon as the executor gets access to the database of orders, he/she will be able to choose among thousands of tasks from different clients. To make the search more comfortable, an author can use a filter in which he/she can specify all the necessary parameters. Thus, the process of screening out irrelevant results will save a lot of time.
Check details
Before he/she take on this or that task, it is better to look through all the technical requirements that are listed in it. It is imperative that at this stage, the writer has thoroughly studied the requirements for the work and accurately understood whether he/she could fulfill it.
Offer your price
After the writer has decided which task is more suitable, the author must make an offer. Thus, the customer will be able to see for how much money the writer is ready to do this or that work. Also, the author can also write several comments in which he/she can describe in several phrases why one is the most suitable for the performance of this task.
Affirm the order
After the client has decided on the author for work, the writers will receive an alert to the mail of the artist. This is information in which the contractor must confirm within 12 hours that he/she is ready to undertake the implementation of this work. After that, the author immediately starts writing the assignment.
Provide a student with feedback
In the process of writing work, students may have various questions or edits that they do not want to discuss with the author. Since the service provides direct communication between the client and the customer, this whole procedure is straightforward and convenient. Also, within the framework of direct contact between the customer and the client, the author can periodically reset the draft work so that the student can evaluate the task in advance and make changes in parallel.
Upload a done paper
After the work has been written entirely, the performer downloads the final version of the task on the company’s website.
Get paid
As soon as the work has been loaded, the so-called countdown of the 20 days’ term begins. Within this period of time, the student has the opportunity:
- Study the work;
- Check its uniqueness;
- Contact the author with possible corrections or changes.
On the expiration of this period, the work is considered completed and, in fact, the customer cannot already refuse its results. Thus, upon the expiry of a given period of time, the money will be automatically credited to a writer’s account.
Get high rates to earn more
Some customers also have the opportunity to leave feedback on the work of a writer. Thus, if a writer performs a job with high quality, and he has positive reviews, then the clients of the service are increasingly turning to such an author. Thus, the writer begins to earn more money and also gets loyal customers.
How does studybay work for customers
If you need to complete the task as soon as possible, you will need to register and enter the data about you into your personal account. The registration procedure does not take much time is very simple. As soon as you have registered, you can leave a request for your work and start searching for a writer for your assignment. After you receive an offer from different authors, you need to select one of them and give him all the necessary materials for the work.
Studybay account
As this service works both for freelance guys and students, it obvious that both need to have an account on the website in order to log in and proceed under a certain name.
How to login your account?
In order a client was able to place an order, it is obligatory to register an account using your own studybay login for entering it. Frankly speaking, this is not something challenging; it’ really easy, though. Generally, it takes about a couple of minutes to complete the procedure.
Add some info
By the way, to register a studybay account, you will be required to provide some data about yourself.
For writers:
- An email address
- Phone number
- Identifying data (like name and so on)
For students:
- Email address (mostly for communication with the author)
- The financial information (for funding your account)
Studybay wiki
Here you can find the answer to all typical questions concerning the company’s activity both for writers and students.
How do I close my studybay account
You can contact a support team and ask about that. This will take less than 5 minutes to do it.
How much does studybay charge for service and commission fee
There is no commission on the service for writers.

How to become a writer in studybay
Register your account, provide us with data about yourself, get approved, and that’s it.
How to choose a good writer on studybay
Look through reviews, check profiles, read comments.
How to create studybay account
It’s easy, go to Login button and then press Register.
How to delete studybay account
You can support the team for that.
How to hire a writer on studybay
Place an offer with task description and receive offers. Then you can choose the one you like.

How to cancel an order on studybay
Use your account for that or contact support team for details.
How to join studybay
Register your account and welcome on board.
How to pay studybay
You can use the following options: VISA, MasterCard or PayPal.
How to send an invitation on studybay
Use your personal account for this purpose.
Why wont my card payments go through studybay
Check if you put the right financial info and your name. If it doesn’t work, consult us in chat, phone or write to us at [email protected].
Studybay promo code
This service also provides its clients with some discount awards. For this purpose, the company uses the system of promo codes. They could sound like:
- Coupons;
- Studybay promo code;
- Coupon Codes;
- Promo Codes & Discount Codes;
- Studybay coupones, etc.
Actually, they can provide a customer with the following discounts:
- 5%
- 10%
- 15%
- 20 %
- 50%
Pros and Cons of using Studybay for students
This one of the most reviewed top writing services also has its pros and cons issues.
- Lowest price ever
- Lots of bids from writers
- 100% money back
- 20 days’ paper check period
- Speed
- Too much time is needed for checking writers to choose the one.
- A bit challenging money back procedure
Pros and Cons of using Studybay for writers
It is obvious that the service is very comfortable for writers, though it also has its cons.
- Thousands of offers
- Students from all over the world
- A writer can offer their own price
- A decent level of competitors
- Lack of initial data from some students